Check two things regularly as you get older.
1) Blood pressure.2) Blood sugar.
Absolutely forget three things.
1) Anxiety about getting older
2) Remorse for the past
3) Always groaning in grief
Cut down on the four things you eat as much as you can.
1) Salt
2) Sugar
3) Dairy/egg food
4) Strachi / carb national food
Increase the four things you can in your diet.
1) All kinds of greens
2) All kinds of green vegetables, beans or beans, etc.
3) Fruits
4) Almonds
Always keep four things with you, happy or sad.
1) A real good friend
2) own family
3) Always think
4) A safe house or shelter
Keep practicing five things.
1) Praying, fasting
2) Talk to everyone with a smile
3) Treat people well
4) Exercise regularly
5) Weight control
Avoid six things.
1) action
2) greed
3) Laziness
4) Hate
5) Waste of time
6) Gossip
Never do six things.
1) Eating with excess appetite
2) Drinking water with excessive thirst
3) Going to bed extra weak
4) to rest excessively weak
5) Going to the doctor when you are absolutely sick
Life is your decision.